P.O. Box 2975, Fredericksburg TX 78624

The Future is in YOUR Hands

As I write this, it is the second day of Early Voting. Yesterday, record crowds showed up to vote, and the news has reported record votes all over the country. Polling shows that Trump is ahead in all the swing states. Does that mean he will win? Not necessarily. I believe he won last time. Why do I say that? Is it because Trump says that, or others say that, and that I am just some mind-numbed robot that repeats somebody’s narrative? No.

I’ve been working elections for 40 years. I started as a clerk at my precinct in a local election. Then I was asked to be the election judge. Then I ran and was elected a precinct chair in Harris County, the third largest county in the country. I served in that role for the next 21 years and I was the election judge in my precinct in all those elections. During those years I was appointed chair of the Ballot Security Committee, whose job it was to protect the integrity of the election and stop election fraud. We documented fraud many times. We took sworn testimony.

I was elected to the state party (State Republican Executive Committee) in 2006. On that committee, I also served on the Election Integrity sub-committee. About that same time, I was asked to help in the beginning of the election security efforts of the new organization, True the Vote.

I mention all of this to say I know how to spot election fraud and any efforts to make cheating easier in elections. I saw that in the 2020 election. I wrote about it on my Facebook page in September of 2020. Laws were changed in swing states to facilitate cheating using mail-in ballots. I believe those methods were successful. Do I have the smoking gun? No. But as I stated in a previous blog, election fraud is like a turtle on a fence post. You know it didn’t get there by itself, and you don’t know who put it there.

Whether or not Trump wins depends on if voters in the swing states have reversed those laws which were passed to allow cheating. If they have I think Trump wins, if they have not, I think they will cheat like last time.

If Harris wins, I think the U.S. as we know it, will end.

If Trump wins, he will make America great again!

(“Make America Great Again” was first used as a campaign slogan by Ronald Reagan)